She will host a talk on how to get started with building conversational bots using Actions on Google, that allows you to extend the Google Assistant to create your own Conversation Actions, integrate Google Assistant support into your services in your real world without a single line of code!
Amanda Cavallaro Software Developer, WTM Lead and GDG Cloud London,
Amanda Cavallaro is a software developer, passionate about Cloud technologies, Human Computer Interactions and Chatbots. She who works at and is a Women Techmakers Lead and Community Organiser at Google Developer Group Cloud London. You can speak to her in Portuguese, English, Italian and and a little of Japanese.
La informática (y los campos englobados en STEM) es para mí un campo apasionante en el que, sin embargo, el número de mujeres es muy reducido. Esto no sólo representa un problema para una industria que se basa en la creatividad y que necesita tener en cuenta la diferencia. Sino que también hace que muchas mujeres acaben abandonando el barco. En esta charla hablaré de qué me ha hecho a mí darme cuenta de la importancia de este problema y qué podemos hacer para enfrentarnos a ello, colaborando para hacer de la diversidad y la inclusión una realidad en STEM.
Sabela Ramos Ingeniera, Youtube, Google
Sabela Ramos Garea estudió informática en la FIC (Facultade de Informática da Coruña) y es doctora en informática por la misma universidad. Su investigación en computación de altas prestaciones la llevó a hacer un Postdoc en la ETH de Zürich (Suiza), desde donde dio el salto a la industria. Desde entonces, trabaja como ingeniera en YouTube (Google Zürich).
Diversity and Inclusion in Technology
Ana Cidre Frontend Developer, Freelance
Ana Cidre is a Women Techmaker Lead and GDG organizer. She's not your usual programmer: She has degree in fine art and a master in international business economics and management but has always loved technology. She is now a frontend developer specialised in Angular.
We often hear that VR is an 'empathy machine', paving the way to a new paradigm of immersive computing. In this talk, we go over understanding how to use Unreal Engine 4 to create a simple VR experience, using Blueprints. Blueprints is a very powerful visual scripting tool.
Daniela Fontes Co-owner & Technical Director, Mimicry
Daniela is the Technical Director of Mimicry, currently working on Ganbatte, a multiplayer game about cats, eating sushi in space. She's a computer scientist with a sweet spot for AI, who's fond of wearing multiple hats while running her studio. Proud VR pioneer, she works with a broad range of VR devices and projects to craft games and experiences. She is also a co-organizer of Portugal Virtual Reality Meetup, an event aimed at creating a local community of VR developers and enthusiasts.
Las carreras técnicas sufren una carencia de matrícula femenina muy elevada. Las causas son múltiples y complejas, y es necesario comenzar con las niñas, desde diferentes ámbitos. El proyecto ICT-Go-Girls analizó estos factores, presentando una metodología de trabajo en el aula con niñas de 10 a 14 años.
María José R. Malmierca E-learning & Collaboration Dept. Manager, CESGA
María José Rodríguez Malmierca es la responsable de e-learning y colaboración del Centro de Supercomputación de Galicia desde el año 1999, donde ha trabajado en más de 30 proyectos. Coordinadora del proyecto europeo 'ICT-Go-Girls!: Promoting Entrepreneurship among Secundary School Girls through ICTC', valorado por la Comisión Europea como ejemplo de Buenas Prácticas en el campo de la promoción de las TIC entre las niñas.
Continuous Delivery is a practice that focuses on delivering value to the end user through frequent releases of software. It heavily relays in testing and automation and can be applied to almost every technology project. In this talks, I describe the benefits of Continuous Delivery, as well as introducing the steps you need to put in place to start the CD journey.
María Gomez Market Tech Principal, Thoughtworks
I've been a software developer and an architect for over 9 years. I've worked with many different technologies and domains, which has helped her lead teams and advise stakeholders in making the right technology decisions. I'm also a speaker and an advocate for diversity and inclusion in the IT industry.